Lindsay Borges
7th Grade Math Teacher
Lindsay Borges is a passionate educator who wants all of her students to feel encouraged, loved, and motivated. She is also a firm believer in grit, growth mindset, positivity, and mindfulness.
In 2008, Lindsay graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Middle School Mathematics Education. After she graduated, Lindsay became a teacher in the Mineola School District and has been predominantly working as a 7th grade mathematics teacher at the Mineola Middle School.
Alongside teaching, Lindsay attained a Master’s Degree in Special Education from Hunter College and has been fortunate to use this degree in teaching self-contained and co-taught math classes.
In 2014, Lindsay was named “Math Teacher of the Year” through the Nassau County Mathematics Teacher Association. She has led the Environmental and Math Olympiads Clubs, hosts fundraisers to help cure lung cancer, and is a proud member of the PRIDE Committee at the Middle School.
Lindsay is a lifelong learner who wants to make a positive impact on all of her students and looks forward to helping her students grow in their abilities and mindsets as she embarks on her twelfth year as an educator!